Friday, September 03, 2010

LBN adds Ten Cricket

LBN has put Dialog TV (the so called Future Today) and PEO TV (the national pay television network) to shame by being the first local pay television company to add Ten Cricket to their lineup. If only LBN had the coverage, the other operators would be in the grave at this very moment.

Being an operator with limited coverage & resources LBN has shown that they are not intimidated by the sheer size of the others.

Well done LBN keep up the good work.


jagath said...

LBN Cable tv added "Ten Cricket". I,m Dtv customer but i appreciate it. Well done......

Nalin Kiing said...

"Teledasun" Cable TV company done a great job by introducing "Ten Cricket" first & fast to Sri Lanakn television viewers. Hats off to "Teledasun"

star said...

Check latest news about LBN on

star said...


LBN going to start the HD channels soon.

Check their web site.

star said...


15 cable Tv stations were Seized & closed in Jaffna today after LBN complain to Police.

LBN enters Jaffna market last month & requested all other cable tv operators to close their services because they do not have the licence to operate.

star said...

From yesterday onwards JAYA TV & JAYA MAX are not available on LBN.

LBN has now removed 5 tamil channels from their line up last few weeks. ISAI ARUVI, Chittiram , RAJ TV, JAYA TV & JAYA MAX channels are now not available on LBN.

Reason what they are telling is technical faults.Ha.. Ha.. Few of these channels are not available for weeks.

star said...

Now, RAJ TV back.

They have replaced the JAYA TV & JAYA MAX with Polimer Tv & RAJ MUSIC until further notice.

Still one more test channel available. Waiting for ISAI ARUVI channel.

star said...

LBN has removed "Colors" Hindi channel.

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